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I'm a title. Click here to add your own text and edit me.


I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Prefix: ov!

kick - kicks a user

usage: ov!kick <@MEMBER>


ban - bans a user

usage: ov!ban <@MEMBER>

serverinfo - display the server's info

usage: ov!serverinfo


mute - mutes a member.

usage: ov!mute <@MEMBER>


unmute - unmutes a member.

usage: ov!unmute <@MEMBER>


avatar - displays user's avatar.

usage: ov!avatar OR ov!avatar <@MEMBER>


help - posts a link of commands, which is this.

usage: ov!help


purge - purges messages with determined number

usage: ov!purge <NUMBER TO DELETE>

Additional Notes: +1 to the number of messages to delete for it to work.

EG: I want to delete only (1) message, so i have to do ov!purge 2 for it to work.

warn - warns a user

usage: ov!warn <@MEMBER> <REASON>

serverlogo - sends your server's logo
usage: ov!serverlogo




shoot - shoot someone

usage: ov!shoot <@MEMBER>


meme - sends a dankalicous meme

usage: ov!meme


8ball - a representation of the Magic 8 ball

usage: ov!8ball <QUESTION>


yes/no - like the 8ball command but only yes/no

usage: ov!yes/no <QUESTION>


tagged - shows a picture of a tagged Mememan

usage: ov!tagged


revivechat - revive the chat

usage: ov!revivechat


afk - sets your status to AFK

usage: ov!afk <REASON>


goodboy - adds a user to the goodboy list

usage: ov!goodboy <@MEMBER>


naughty - adds a user to the naughty list

usage: ov!naughty <@MEMBER>


cookie - give someone a cookie!

usage: ov!cookie <@MEMBER>


roast - roast someone!

usage: ov!roast <@MEMBER>

punch - punch someone

usage: ov!punch <@MEMBER>


fagometer - shows the Fag-O-Meter™ of mentioned user or yourself

usage: ov!fagometer <@MEMBER> OR ov!fagometer


coinflip - flips a coin

usage: ov!coinflip

crappify - crappifies an image or link

usage: ov!crappify <image/link>


invert - inverts an image or link

usage: ov!invert <image/link>


greyscale - makes an image or link grey

usage: ov!greyscale <image/link>


blur - blurs an image or link

usage: ov!blur <image/link>


old - makes an image or link look old

usage: ov!old <image/link>

deepfry - deepfries an image

usage: ov!deepfry <image/link>

rps - play rock paper scissors with the bot
usage: ov!rps rock/paper/scissors

rate - rate a topic from 1-10
usage: ov!rate <some random topic>

puppy - show a random picture of a puppy
usage: ov!puppy

cat - show a random picture of a cat

usage: ov!cat

reverse - reverse a text
usage: ov!reverse <text>

emoji - emojifies texts
usage: ov!emoji <text>
additional note: only letters of the alphabet and numbers work.



myinfo - displays your info.

usage: ov!myinfo

say - makes the bot say the provided message
usage: ov!say <MESSAGE>

embed - like the say command but with an embed
usage: ov!embed <MESSAGE>

calc - calculate an equation
usage: ov!embed <equation>

cembed - like ov!embed but with personal colors
usage: ov!embed <#HEX> <MESSAGE>

pembed - embed an attachment or URL
usage: ov!pembed <ATTACHMENT/URL>

randomcolor - return an embed with a random hex
usage: ov!randomcolor

catfacts - display a random cat fact

usage: ov!catfacts


help - posts a link of commands, which is this.
usage: ov!help

ping - gets response time.
usage: ov!ping

support - posts an invite link to the support server.
usage: ov!support

invite - posts an invite link.
usage: ov!invite

guildsize - displays the guilds the bot is in
usage: ov!guildsize

botinfo - shows bot information
usage: ov!botinfo

suggest - use this command to send a message to our concept-ideas channel
usage: ov!suggest <SUGGESTION>

dm - DM someone with a MSG using the bot
usage: ov!dm <@MEMBER> <MESSAGE>

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